Friday, August 29, 2008


I was beginning to enjoy my vacation. After shutting down, Club A Trax the past night, I headed over to the famous SEAWORLD for some action!

It was here, were I got a chance to witness the great big whale, SHAMU!!!!

-Yea, Yea! He's friendly, He's cute, He's big and He's funny! But...... He is also RUDE!!!

SHAMU, feeling himself, feeling the love and feeling all of the complimentary fish, decided, 'hey, let me swim on over to Ali's section.....hmmmm, ok!

And that he did! Shamu, proceeded to come over in my direction- not for us to feed him fish- but to rudely splash our entire section with water!!! Why??? For I guess......not screaming the loudest!!!! :-(

- Everyone found it so cute and entertaining, but his cute little behind caused water damage to my expensive camera!!!!!!!!

-Till this day, me and Shamu have BEEF!

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