O my goodness! Have you ever had a day where you'd rather go to the gun range instead of home after a hard day of work? Good! Im so glad its not just me. Its quite important to keep at least two good girlfriends in your life for a "girls night"... Fellas you too can have a night with the boys, if you aren't already doing so.
Key Ingredients as follows:
1. Wine or some other alcohol infused beverage (from the local community Liquor Store, of course) - Its the catalyst the begins to ease the tension, and create the illusion of joy, lol... Wooo hoo does it work!
2. Hookah Pipe - Since I am against the use of drugs, yes, even Marijuana, smoking tobacco enhanced with fruit flavors & molasses gives you that mellow feeling without the addiction and without stealing your mama's fur coat and selling it to someone like my Dad (who loves a bargain even if its from a street hustler) for $20.
3. Chinese Food - But uhh we only ordered broccolli w/ brown sauce and white rice (that damn vegetarian friend of mine and that other "wonderful" friend who watches her figure, even when shes sleeping lol) uhh sidebar- what is brown sauce?? How is a sauce's name a color?? Lmlsao!! I never understood that, ie green & red sauce at the spanish restaurants... Hmm, but hey I eat it all the time, guess I should start putting more thought into the foods I eat with names that describe only the color, lol.
4. A funny homemade video of your tour in DR during which WE (myself a.k.a. "Body Beautiful" and Mari a.k.a. "Wonderful") were made to wear someone else shoes (wet), walking up a stoned trail, to waterfalls that we climbed (still unsure who we did it), Wonderful losing her shoe and breaking her toenail which ruined (what she calls) " most beautiful french pedicure", lol as one tour guide flirted with me, and I punked out on the last 2 waterfalls, lol, truly great entertainment!!
5. Last but not least having Good Friends like Day a.k.a. Ms. Jenkins, and Mari a.k.a. Wonderful around you for laughs, venting, jokes, stories, comparisons, emotional discovery & processing, relationshhip talk, sleep over and just good old fashion THERAPY!
The pics above are from this past Monday's girl night... Wonderful & Day are going to kill me! But they still love me! Mm hmm, ya'll do!! LolI can't wait for next girl's night! The 20th, be on the lookout! :o)Attempt your own girls night, fellas night, and you'll see how great it is, to let loose and relax!
* Day is the one seated on the floor, and Mari "Wonderful" is with the love of her life (her cell phone) on the couch. You guys already know me in the single pic!! (in case anyone is trying to figure it out, the bright orange object behind me is O.J. a.k.a. Orange Juice, a stuffed animal horse I recently won at Great Adventures! Woo hoo) lol....see ya soon! =
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